About this site

I am a home cook from Texas living in Denmark, and one of my passions is food! When I travel, although I want to see the sites like most people, my top priority is probably trying the best food the city/town has to offer. I want to try the local food, and I love going to foreign grocery stores, and bakeries. Then I come home and try to make these yummy foods myself!

Homemade Croque Monsieur inspired by my trip to Paris, France

So I wanted to create a website where I could share all of my favorite recipes from home and abroad. You see, living in Denmark I tend to miss a lot of food from back home, that doesn’t really exist here, so I have to try to make it myself from scratch with the ingredients I can find here. Like pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving time, for instance. This isn’t something I ever really liked back home, but I wanted to share the traditional food from home with my Danish boyfriend during Thanksgiving. Real pumpkins are readily available here during the fall, so last year I bought one, and for the first time made pumpkin pie totally from scratch. It was a little bit of work, but it tasted amazing, and way better than the canned pumpkin version commonly made in the U.S. I have since found out that you can find canned pumpkin at a couple of major supermarkets here, Meny and Kvickly, in the American section, but who needs canned pumpkin, when you can make it totally homemade? The difference is not even comparable.

Pumpkin Pie completely from scratch

Trying new recipes isn’t always easy. I have tried countless recipes that are complete failures, and have disappointing results, which can be really frustrating. Following a recipe that completely fails can feel like a waste of time, effort, and money, and you wonder why is this recipe even online. How could someone like it?! At the same time, I learn a lot from failed recipes, I learn what made it fail, and what might work, and the more I cook, the more brave I get in the kitchen. If the recipe has too many “cheating” ingredients for example like “cake mix” or “canned cream of chicken” I won’t make it. I like to know everything that is in my food, and like to use wholesome ingredients.

Thus, on this website I plan to only share the recipes that worked, the recipes that are my favorites, and I hope that others will find it useful, especially American expats in Europe. Maybe you have the same struggles as me at times? 🙂 I hope I can also introduce you to new dishes, and that my website could be a recipe resource for you as well as for myself, and anyone else. 🙂 I often find online recipes to be unclear and confusing, so I will try to make my recipes as simple and clear as possible, and I plan to make videos to go along with each recipe which will be linked here and on my youtube page Dreaming Of Food.

This website is a work in progress, but I will try to continuously add new content. Living abroad and travelling also gives me the opportunity to try new cafes, restaurants, and bakeries.

Me at Pasticceria Bastianello in Milan, Italy

Therefore, I will also have a section called Food Spotting where I will share some of my culinary adventures, only the good, not the bad. So if you ever go to any of these places and want to get inspired on where to eat, or what to eat, you can check out my blog for inspiration. When I first moved to Copenhagen, Denmark, I would ask the locals, where do you like to eat, what places can you recommend, and this was a question they really struggled with, and I never got a real answer. So now that I have lived here for 6 years I have gotten to know Copenhagen really well. Ask me where you should eat and I will for sure have a lot of places to recommend. You have to know where to eat here, not every place is good and there are a lot of overpriced tourist traps, but once you know, you will discover some of the most amazing food! It also can be really expensive to eat out here, but I know a lot of affordable places, in fact those are usually my favorites.

Pizza slices downtown for 35 dkk at Slice of Copenhagen at Sværtegade 3.

Good food at an affordable price? Yes, please! I hope you enjoy reading this website, and discover some good recipes. 🙂 Happy eating!

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