How to make a semi-homemade Danish Lagkage

If you ever go to Denmark you will notice that lagkage (layer cake) can probably be found in every bakery. The reason is because it is a traditional celebration/birthday cake here, but just one slice of lagkage at a bakery can cost you around 45 dkk ($7), so if you want a whole lagkage that can be very expensive.

There is a cheaper way, however, to make your own lagkage here and it is way too easy. You can buy a pre-baked lagkagebunde (layer cake bottoms) in both “chocolate” and “light” at any grocery store here and there are several brands to choose from. I like the lyse lagkagebunde by Karen Volf the best.

Then all you have to do is buy whipping cream, jam, and fruit, and you can make your own lagkage. It is a really refreshing cake, and there is actually no particular way to make lagkage. You can choose any fruit you like, any jam, flavor the whipped cream if you want, add cake creme if you like or chocolate ganache, it is up to you. Just remember to put it all between the layers of cake and you have yourself a lagkage. 🙂

I decided I wanted to make a lagkage with fresh strawberries, raspberry jam (I didn’t have strawberry on hand), and whipped cream with vanilla.

This is how I made a semi-homemade Danish lagkage (pictures below). If you want to see a video on it click here:

Cake layers, strawberries, whipping cream, and raspberry jam
First, I made the whipped cream. I prefer freshly whipped cream, and since I am lactose intolerant it is best for me to use lactose free cream. To make homemade whipped cream all you have to do is whisk 1 cup of whipping cream until it is stiff. I added about a teaspoon of vanilla to the whipping cream before I whipped it. A good tip is to use an electric whisk, and turn the bowl upside down once stiff to check if it is ready. If it starts to slide around, keep whipping. 🙂
freshly whipped cream
Next, I spread a layer of jam on top of the first layer (bottom layer) of cake.


raspberry jam spread on top of bottom layer of cake

Then, I spread a layer of whipped cream on top of the jam. You can make the layers as thick as you want.


layer of whipped cream spread on top of jam


Then, I placed some sliced strawberries on top of the whipped cream. I sliced each strawberry into three layers when I made this lagkage.
I then placed the middle layer of cake on top of the strawberries and repeated the process until all three layers were complete.
Once complete you should refridgerate the cake, and actually it tastes best the next day because the cake gets more moist over time. This is the finished product.



Doesn’t it look tasty? 🙂 So for around 60 dkk ($9) I was able to make a whole lagkage. If you want to make a layer cake and don’t have access to pre-baked cake layers at your grocery store, you can always buy a boxed cake mix or make a cake from scratch. Once baked and cooled, take a perforated knife and carefully divide the cake into three layers. I have done this before myself.


Have you ever made lagkage before? How do you make it and can you buy pre-baked cake to make a layer cake in your country? Let me know in the comments section below. :o)
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