Dreaming of Food

Hey there,

Welcome to my new blog all about food! :o) I am from Texas, but I currently live in Denmark. I thought this blog could be a good way for me to share my favorite places to eat in Denmark, my favorite foods here, and anything else I find interesting food related. I don’t intend for this blog to be all about Denmark, though. If I travel to a new place or just go home for a visit back in Texas then I plan to share some things from those places too.

I really love food. I am always up for trying new foods, and tasting something really yummy can pretty much make my day. 🙂 It’s also something I seek out when I travel. I want to try the best foods and restaurants in the places I visit, as opposed to seeing all of the touristy spots a city has to offer. :o) Is anyone else like this too!?!

Since it can be really expensive to eat out in Denmark, I plan to also share some of my favorite cheap eats here. So if any of you are travelling to Denmark or even if you live here I hope that you will find my tips useful.

At some point I am also going to launch a website where I will share my favorite recipes. That is still a work in progress. 🙂

Let me know in the comments section if there is anything else you would like me to write about or you would like to see.

Happy eating! :o)



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